Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Editorial Double Standards

How many best-selling novels have you read whose writing appeared inferior to yours? EDITORIAL DOUBLE STANDARDS By Michael Garrett Internationally Published Author, Editor and Book Doctor February, 2001 . . .beautiful writing isn't a pre-requisite for...

What Makes an Effective Plot

A monthly column written by an Authorlink contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR What Makes an Effective Plot By Susan Malone February 2001 We talked last month about how to begin a novel, so let's...

How to Begin a Novel

A monthly column written by an Authorlink contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR How to Begin a Novel By Susan Malone January 2001 Last month we talked some about characterization, and now let's turn to...

David Ebershoff: What the Classics Teach Writers And Editors Today

The two most important things a writer needs to do to improve his or her craft are to write a lot, and read a lot. Reading the classics is an important step every writer needs to take as he or she refines their skills. It is important to know what precedes him or her as a writer, who has written what. Writers can learn the basics of style and plot and storyline from the classics, even writers whose style is not at all classical.

Making Characters Come Alive on the Page

A monthly column written by an Authorlink contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR Making Characters Come Alive on the Page By Susan Malone December, 2000 A truism runs through this business about which...

Syndication: Is It for You?

Syndication: Is It for You? An excerpt from Sussessful Syndication, A Guide For Writers And Cartoonists Reprinted with permission of the author and Allworth Press, © 2000 Michael H. Sedge. By Michael Sedge Sooner or later nearly every writer contemplates...

Finding Your Own “Style”

A monthly column written by an Authorlink contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR Finding Your Own "Style" By Susan Malone November, 2000 We talk a lot in this business about a writer's...

Choosing a Trustworthy Agent

Choosing a Trustworthy Agent Part Three in a Series of Three Special Articles by Deidre Knight The Knight Agency   Choosing an agent is an important decision Question: How can I choose a trustworthy agent, particularly since I don't live in a big city...

So You Want To Be A Celebrity?

A monthly column written by an Authorlink contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR So You Want To Be A Celebrity? By Susan Malone September, 2000 Many, many folks enter the publishing industry with fame and...