Anna Roins
Anna Roins is a Senior Lawyer, previously of the Australian Government Solicitor, as well as a freelance journalist. She has studied creative literature at The University of Oxford (Continuing Education) and the Faber Academy, London. Anna is a regular contributor to AUTHORLINK assigned to conduct interviews with best-selling authors. She also tries to write novels in her spare time, reviews books and writes community pieces for reputable online and print publications.
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Cindy Matthews
Cindy A. Matthews' articles and essays have appeared in over forty publications. She works as a freelance manuscript evaluator, book reviewer, and copy editor. Her writer's guide, Defeating the Slushpile Monster, was a finalist in the self-help/non-fiction category of the 2009 EPIC awards and is now available in print and in Kindle formats. More information about her editorial services and non-fiction works can be found at her web site/blog www.cindyamatthews.com Writing as Cynthianna, Cindy has published contemporary and fantasy romantic-comedies. Cindy also writes sf/paranormal erotic-romance as Celine Chatillon. See her work on Amazon.com.
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Diane Slocum
Diane Slocum has been a newspaper reporter and editor and authored an historical book. As a freelance writer, she contributes regularly to magazines and newspapers. She writes features on authors and a column for writers and readers in Lifestyle magazine. She is assigned to write interviews of first-time novelists and bestselling authors for Authorlink®
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Doris Booth
Doris Booth is founder and president of Authorlink®, the news and information magazine for editors, agents, writers, and readers, ranked among top websites for writers. The company’s separate literary agency represents some bestselling authors, both domestically and abroad. Doris has sold projects to St. Martin’s Press, Simon & Schuster, Sterling Publishing (Barnes and Noble), Berkley Books/Penguin, Farrar Straus Giroux and other dominant houses. She has also been involved in rights negotiations for two hit Netflix docuseries, as well as with other production studios. The agency is not accepting new authors at this time, but writers are encouraged to use Authorlink® as a comprehensive resource.
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Ellen Birkett Morris
Ellen Birkett Morris is the author of Beware the Tall Grass, winner of the Donald L. Jordan Award for Literary Excellence, judged by Lan Samantha Chang, published by CSU Press. She is also the author of Lost Girls: Short Stories, winner of the Pencraft Award and finalist for the Clara Johnson, IAN and Best Book awards. Her fiction has appeared in Shenandoah, Antioch Review, Notre Dame Review, and South Carolina Review, among other journals. She is a winner of the Bevel Summers Prize for short fiction. Morris is a recipient of an Al Smith Fellowship for her fiction from the Kentucky Arts Council. Morris is also the author of Abide and Surrender, poetry chapbooks. Her poetry has appeared in The Clackamas Literary Review, Juked, Gastronomica, and Inscape, among other journals, and in eight anthologies. Morris won top prize in the 2008 Binnacle Ultra-Short Edition and was a finalist for the 2019 and 2020 Rita Dove Poetry Prize. Her poem “Abide” was featured on NPR’s A Way with Words. Her essays have appeared in Newsweek, AARP’s The Ethel, Oh Reader magazine, and on National Public Radio. Morris holds an MFA in creative writing from Queens University-Charlotte. https://www.ellenbirkettmorris.com/
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Kate Padilla
Kate Padilla is an author, poet and artist. Her book, Apples Rot on the Ground (May 2020), is a collection of gut-wrenching poems detailing the racism and bigotry that existed for Hispanic families in early New Mexico & Wyoming.
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Lisa Dale Norton
Lisa Dale Norton is an author, developmental book editor, and a dynamic public speaker. She is passionate about layered writing structures in narrative nonfiction that reflect the complexity of life experience, and about the transformative power of writing a memoir. She is a gifted teacher, clear communicator, and a pro at creating an environment were learning can happen. Lisa wrote America’s go-to memoir writing guide, Shimmering Images: A Handy Little Guide to Writing Memoir (Macmillan), and the literary nonfiction story Hawk Flies Above: Journey to the Heart of the Sandhills (Picador USA), which won comparisons to the writing of Annie Dillard. https://lisadalenorton.com/
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Warren Adler
The late Warren Adler (D: April 2019) was the acclaimed author of The War of the Roses, a masterpiece of macabre divorce adapted into the BAFTA and Golden Globe-nominated hit film starring Danny DeVito, Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. Adler also optioned and sold film rights for a number of his works, including Random Hearts and Private Lies. Adler’s works have been translated into more than 25 languages, including his staged version of The War of the Roses, which opened to spectacular reviews worldwide. Adler, a regular Authorlink contributor, taught creative writing seminars at New York University and lectured on creative writing, film and television adaptation, and electronic publishing. At the time of his death at age 91, he had a number of film/TV adaptations in various stages of development with Grey Eagle Films including The Children of the Roses. His novels are available as audiobooks through Audible. His latest historical fiction release, Mother Nile, was received with spectacular reviews from critics and readers alike. Warren will be missed as our colleague.
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William Kowalski
William Kowalski is the best-selling, award-winning author of seven novels and seven Rapid Reads (shorter works for beginning adult readers of English). His first novel, EDDIE'S BASTARD, won the 1999 Rosenstein Award, the 2001 Ama-Boeke Prize, and occupied the #5 spot on the Times of London bestseller list. His fifth novel, THE HUNDRED HEARTS, won the 2014 Thomas H. Raddall Atlantic Fiction Award. He has been nominated three times for the Ontario Library Association's Golden Oak Award. His books have been translated into fifteen languages. He is also the founder of My Writing Network (https://mywriting.network), an organization dedicated to providing free websites and community support to emerging authors of all types and backgrounds. https://williamkowalski.com/
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