
Writing & Publishing services


Whether you plan to self-publish or go the traditional route to get published, find the best writing and publishing services here to help realize your publishing dreams.

editing service
pitch and sell manuscript
get published


Frequently Asked Questions

Critique: How long Does it take to receive my written critique ?

You will receive an email confirming your payment has been processed and we have received your 60-page increment. After you receive the first confirmation, you can submit additional 60-page increments.  Please allow two to three weeks from the submission date to receive written comments. If you need help, use the form below or go to the CONTACT page to get in touch. We usually respond within 24-28 hours. 

CRITIQUE: What can I do if I am not satisfied with the result?

As in any review of literary work, you may or may not be satisfied with the report you receive. But we will make every attempt to provide you with an honest, experienced evaluation. Our critiques address many aspects of your submission, including concept, hook, dialogue, character credibility, plot, suspense and more. The fee is non-refundable. But we believe you will be very pleased with our guidance. More than 200 happy customers have used a variety of our services.

Do I need to Polish my Work before I send it to an agent or Publisher? Doesn't the publisher do that?

 To attract an editor or agent in today’s competitive climate, your manuscript must be in the best possible shape. Our professional mini critique service offers you a chance to spot mistakes and improve your work before you submit–without spending thousands of dollars for a freelance editor.  If you land a deal, a publisher may require further edits, but the trick is to have such a quality manuscript they will want to take you on. Even if you are self-publishing, your manuscript must meet certain professional standards  to be accepted by many sales outlets. 

pitch and sell service: When will my Pitch appear on Authorlink and can agents contact me directly?

Your Pitch to get published will be reviewed by our staff within three to five days after submission and you will receive an email confirmation when the listing goes live. Cancel anytime after the first 60-days.If you need help, use the form below or go to the CONTACT page to get in touch. We usually respond within 24-48 hours. 

Can't get a confirmation after submitting my work. What can I do?

  • Be sure that you are logged in to your Authorlink account.
  • Be sure you have purchased a subscription for the Pitch & Sell service.
  • Be sure your payment has been processed and the subscription is active.

To confirm the details of your subscription, visit your account page. If you continue to have issues or need further assistance, please email us at


Will I get Published as a result of my Authorlink listing?

Not necessarily. Nobody can guarantee that an agent will agree to represent your work, or that you will be published before you sign a contract with a publisher. But by placing a query on our site,  you may have a better chance of being seen by an interested agent or publisher. The good news is: if you make a sale or secure representation, we don’t take a commission on the sale. 

Get In Touch


Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us


Doris Booth
103 Guadalupe Dr
Irving, TX
+1 972-402-0101