Cindy Matthews

Cindy Matthews

Cindy A. Matthews' articles and essays have appeared in over forty publications. She works as a freelance manuscript evaluator, book reviewer, and copy editor. Her writer's guide, Defeating the Slushpile Monster, was a finalist in the self-help/non-fiction category of the 2009 EPIC awards and is now available in print and in Kindle formats. More information about her editorial services and non-fiction works can be found at her web site/blog Writing as Cynthianna, Cindy has published contemporary and fantasy romantic-comedies. Cindy also writes sf/paranormal erotic-romance as Celine Chatillon. See her work on
Tomorrow War by J. L. Bourne

Tomorrow War by J. L. Bourne

Tomorrow War, J. L. Bourne, Gallery Books–An American covert cyber-attack against Syria turns out to be a catastrophic mistake. The virus loosed into the communications network escapes and mutates, bringing down not only the target system but the entire world’s computers.

Silent Creed by Alex Kava

Silent Creed by Alex Kava

Silent Creed, Alex Kava, Putnam’s Sons — Afghanistan veteran Ryder Creed saw enough violence on active service to give him nightmares. Now back home in the US, he runs a specialist search and rescue team of dogs and handlers who aid law enforcement agencies and venture into disaster areas in search of the missing.

A Girl Undone by Catherine Linka

A Girl Undone by Catherine Linka

A Girl Undone, Catherine Linka, St. Martin’s Griffin — In this sequel to A Girl Called Fearless, Avie Reveare has fled Salvation, Idaho, where she and her lover, Yates Sandell, took refuge. Backed by the ruling Paternalist Party, federal and state law enforcement officers seized the Salvation compound and killed many of their friends.

Trials of Passion by Lisa Appignanesi

Trials of Passion by Lisa Appignanesi

Trials of Passion, Lisa Appignanesi, Pegasus Books — Victorian-era spinster Christiana Edmonds was extremely unhappy that her letters weren’t returned by her doctor, Charles Beard. Of course he loved her and would leave his wife, but Beard never did. He simply told Christiana to stop writing.

Tigerman by Nick Harkaway

Tigerman by Nick Harkaway

Tigerman – A Novel, Nick Harkaway, Vintage Press — British army Sergeant Lester Ferris has seen his share of action–perhaps too much during a recent posting to Afghanistan. Close to military retirement but still fit, he’s posted to a relic of the British Empire located in the Indian Ocean, an island called Mancreu.

Muse by Jonathan Galassi

Muse by Jonathan Galassi

Muse, Jonathan Galassi, Alfred A Knopf — Paul Dukach, a nerdy, small-town boy from upstate New York, finds his spiritual home in the NYC publishing firm of Purcell & Stern. P&S is peopled by eccentrics of all stripes whose brilliance in their fields enables the firm to publish books almost in spite of itself.

In the Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides

In the Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides

In the Kingdom of Ice, Hampton Sides, Anchor Books — For centuries the realms of the far North have excited the imagination. Until late Victorian times it was thought that, beyond the frozen wastes rimming the northern continents, the Arctic was clear of ice.

The Blooding by James McGee

The Blooding by James McGee

The Blooding, James McGee, Pegasus Crime — On escaping from Bonaparte’s France, British secret agent Matthew Hawkwood finds himself in the United States. It’s the year 1812, and the young country is now at war with Britain.

Press Start to Play: An Anthology edited by Wilson and Adams

Press Start to Play: An Anthology edited by Wilson and Adams

Press Start to Play: An Anthology, Wilson and Adams, Vintage Books — We were never designed to live the lives we do nowadays—stuck in cubicles all day instead of out hunting and gathering, fighting for our very survival as our ancestors once did. Modern humans are in desperate need to exorcise their “evolutionary demons,” and what better method to do so than by playing video games?

Trident Code by Thomas Waite

Trident Code by Thomas Waite

Trident Code (A Lana Elkins thriller), Thomas Waite, 47North — The cyber-terrorist hijack of a US submarine brings NSA computer expert Lana Elkins forward once again to fight for her country.