Cindy Matthews

Cindy Matthews

Cindy A. Matthews' articles and essays have appeared in over forty publications. She works as a freelance manuscript evaluator, book reviewer, and copy editor. Her writer's guide, Defeating the Slushpile Monster, was a finalist in the self-help/non-fiction category of the 2009 EPIC awards and is now available in print and in Kindle formats. More information about her editorial services and non-fiction works can be found at her web site/blog Writing as Cynthianna, Cindy has published contemporary and fantasy romantic-comedies. Cindy also writes sf/paranormal erotic-romance as Celine Chatillon. See her work on
Death in the Air by Kate Winkler Dawson

Death in the Air by Kate Winkler Dawson

Death in the Air, Kate Winkler Dawson, Hachette Books – Mentioned in literature and commemorated in art, the infamous London “peasouper” is a choking miasma composed of smoke and fog that has been a striking feature of the city for centuries. 

The Devil’s Triangle by Catherine Coulter and J T Ellison

The Devil’s Triangle by Catherine Coulter and J T Ellison

The Devil’s Triangle, Catherine Coulter and J T Ellison, Simon & Schuster – Covert Eyes is a crack FBI team, headed by Special Agent Nicholas Drummond, with a flexible brief to act against crime anywhere in the world. Drummond gets a phone call from notorious art thief Kitsune, known as The Fox.

Song of Edmon by Adam Burch

Song of Edmon by Adam Burch

Song of Edmon, Adam Burch, 47 North – Edmon Leontes’ birth was marked in spectacular fashion by a new Fracture opening in the heavens above the tidally-locked world of Tao.

Sulfur Springs by William Kent Krueger

Sulfur Springs by William Kent Krueger

Sulfur Springs, William Kent Krueger, Atria Books – A scratchy voice mail shatters the Fourth of July holiday atmosphere in Cork O’Connor’s house. His stepson Peter Bisonette says he’s in serious trouble down in Arizona and asks for his mother Rainy’s help.