Cindy Matthews

Cindy Matthews

Cindy A. Matthews' articles and essays have appeared in over forty publications. She works as a freelance manuscript evaluator, book reviewer, and copy editor. Her writer's guide, Defeating the Slushpile Monster, was a finalist in the self-help/non-fiction category of the 2009 EPIC awards and is now available in print and in Kindle formats. More information about her editorial services and non-fiction works can be found at her web site/blog Writing as Cynthianna, Cindy has published contemporary and fantasy romantic-comedies. Cindy also writes sf/paranormal erotic-romance as Celine Chatillon. See her work on
Art in the Blood by Bonnie MacBird

Art in the Blood by Bonnie MacBird

Art in the Blood, Bonnie MacBird, Collins Crime Club–London, winter, 1888. A desperate call for help from Mrs. Hudson brings newlywed Dr. Watson to Sherlock Holmes’ side once more.

Shriver by Chris Belden

Shriver by Chris Belden

Shriver, Chris Belden, Touchstone Books–Shriver is a contented recluse, living in his apartment with a tuxedo cat, Mr. Bojangles, when he receives an invitation to take part in a writers’ conference at a Midwestern college.

The God’s Eye View by Barry Eisler

The God’s Eye View by Barry Eisler

The God’s Eye View, Barry Eisler, Thomas & Mercer–Evelyn Gallagher has a nice career in the NSA, analyzing video footage from all over the world in search of threats to the United States.

The Map of Chaos by Felix J. Palma

The Map of Chaos by Felix J. Palma

The Map of Chaos, Felix J. Palma, Atria Books–The Victorian world’s obsession with death and the afterlife leads to a plethora of spiritualists and mediums seeking to make a living out of those wishing to speak to the dead.

The Reckoning by Carsten Stroud

The Reckoning by Carsten Stroud

The Reckoning, Carsten Stroud, Vintage Crime–From the swanky residences of The Glades to the seething criminality of Tin Town, the city of Niceville has a personality all its own.

The Fifth House of the Heart by Ben Tripp

The Fifth House of the Heart by Ben Tripp

The Fifth House of the Heart, Ben Tripp, Gallery Books — Asmodeus “Sax” Saxon-Tang is the first to admit he’s a coward. However, it didn’t prevent him from walking into the lairs of two vampires and stealing their treasures – and vampires have the best treasure.

The Whispering City by Sara Moliner

The Whispering City by Sara Moliner

The Whispering City, Sara Moliner, Pegasus Books — Barcelona, 1952. General Franco’s autocratic rule is absolute. Those who favor the regime do well. Those labeled “Reds” lose their jobs, liberty and sometimes their lives.