Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Black Cathedral by L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims

    Black Cathedral L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims Dorchester 12-28-08 Trade Paperback/287 pages ISBN: 0-843961996 Buy This Book www.amazon.com     ". . . elegant and intelligent horror . . ." Black Cathedral: Horror of the first...

Writing Humor

  Writing Humor by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro January 2009 "Not everyone will think the same thing is funny. " —Shapiro “Humor is the secret weapon of the non-fiction writer” according to William Zissner in On Writing Well. But it must be...

Seven Things I’ve Learned About Writing, Part II

Dissonance, a Novel by Lisa Lenard-Cook Buy This Book via Amazon.com The Art of Fiction:  Seven Things I’ve Learned About Writing, Part II by Lisa Lenard-Cook January - February, 2009 Lisa Lenard-Cook is a regular columnist for Authorlink. She is an...

Jake’s Wake by John Skipp & Cody Goodfellow

  Jake’s Wake John Skipp & Cody Goodfellow Dorchester Publishing 12-20-08 Trade Paperback/336 pages ISBN: 0-843960760 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . . another visceral trip through the inky darkness and blood-tinged shadows of the human...

The Modern Dog

The Modern Dog

The Modern Dog A Joyful Exploration of How We Live with Dogs Today By Stanley Coren Buy This Book via Amazon.com The Modern Dog A Joyful Exploration of How We Live with Dogs Today By Stanley Coren Free Press, December 2008 Hardcover, 288 pages ISBN-10: 1-4165-9368-3...

Pelikan: A Novel

Pelikan: A Novel

Pelikan: A Novel by David Lozell Martin Buy This Book via Amazon.com Pelikan A Novel By David Lozell Martin Free Press, November 2008 Hardcover, 272 pages ISBN-10: 1-4391-0326-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-4391-0326-5 The journey begins when Charlie Curtis travels to New Orleans...

Grammar For Ungrammarian, huh?

Grammar For Ungrammarian, huh? by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro December 2008 "Parsing helps you identify the parts of speech and see the relationships between them. . . " —Shapiro In junior high, Mr. Melman, my English teacher, tried hard to help me master...