Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Paying the Piper by Simon Wood

  Paying the Piper Simon Wood Dorchester Publishing 10/30/07 Trade Paperback/324 pages ISBN: 0-843959800 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   "A great read that keeps the reader turning the pages." Paying the Piper by Simon Wood thrusts the reader...

Out of the Frying Pan by Gillian Clark

Out of the Frying Pan Gillian Clark Thomas Dunne Books 10-26-07 Hardcover/272 pages ISBN: 0312366930 Buy This Book www.amazon.com             ". . . a love story full of challenges and creative problem solving . . ." Out of the...

Roman’s Journey by Roman Halter

    Roman's Journey A memoir of survival Roman Halter Arcade 10/24/2007 Hardcover/360 pages ISBN: 1-55970-854-9 Buy This Book www.amazon.com     ". . . a simple unadorned history that doesn’t veer into sentimentality or linger on...

Snow Angel by Jamie Carie

  Snow Angel Jamie Carie B&H Publishing Group 9/28/2007 Trade Paperback/304 pages ISBN: 978-0-8054-4533-6   Snow Angel is a Christian romance set in Alaska in 1897. Years earlier an unwed mother named Jane, was forced by her father to give up her child....

Where Are You?

Where Are You?

WHERE ARE YOU? by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro October 2007 ". . . fiction and nonfiction requires the writer to establish a sense of place. . ." —Shapiro Most fiction and nonfiction requires the writer to establish a sense of place, a setting that must be...

The Witch’s Trinity by Ericka Mailman

The Witch’s Trinity by Ericka Mailman is a deeply disturbing book. It documents a period when the Catholic Church sanctified institutionalized misogyny. They targeted older women who behaved outside “normal” bounds such as healers and seers, or just women with no man to protect them.