Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Tower Hill by Sarah Pinborough

  Tower Hill Sarah Pinborough Dorchester Publishing 7-01-08 Trade Paperback/300 pages ISBN: 0843960523 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . . deliciously thrilling from its shocking and bloody first few pages straight through to its climax." The...

A Darkness Forged in Fire

A Darkness Forged in Fire

A Darkness Forged in Fire Book One of the Iron Elves by Chris Evans Buy This Book via Amazon.com A Darkness Forged in Fire Book One of the Iron Elves by Chris Evans Pocket, July 2008 Hardcover, 432 pages ISBN-10: 1-4165-7051-9 ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-7051-6 We do not fear...

Sex, Lies, and Handwriting

Sex, Lies, and Handwriting

Sex, Lies, and Handwriting A Top Expert Reveals the Secrets Hidden in Your Handwriting by Michelle Dresbold Buy This Book via Amazon.com Sex, Lies, and Handwriting A Top Expert Reveals the Secrets Hidden in Your Handwriting By Michelle Dresbold Free Press, July 2008...

The Art of Fiction: Your First Word

The Art of Fiction: Your First Word

Dissonance, a Novel by Lisa Lenard-Cook Buy This Book via Amazon.com The Art of Fiction:  Your First Word by Lisa Lenard-Cook July 2008 Lisa Lenard-Cook is a regular columnist for Authorlink. She is an award-winning published author and writing instructor....

Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro July 2008 ". . . just throw out an idea to yourself, the beginning of a scene, or just a theme, and leap into it." —Shapiro There are times when you have something so pressing to write about that you’re...

Family Outing by Troy Johnson

  Family Outing Troy Johnson Arcade 6-24-08 Hardcover/237 pages ISBN: 1-55970-871-9 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . . should be required reading for every family in America – gay and straight." Family Outing: Coming to terms with a...

The Seven Sins by Jon Land

  The Seven Sins Jon Land Forge 6-10-08 Hardcover/368 pages ISBN: 0-7653-1534-3 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . . passion, crime and intrigue for the twenty-first century." Great power demands great sacrifice and an even greater price. Michele...

A Broken Window: A Lincoln Rhyme Novel

A Broken Window: A Lincoln Rhyme Novel

A Broken Window: A Lincoln Rhyme Novel by Jeffery Deaver Buy This Book via Amazon.com The Broken Window A Lincoln Rhyme Novel By Jeffery Deaver Atria, May 2008 Simon & Schuster, June 2008 Hardcover, 432 pages ISBN-10: 1-4165-4997-8 ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-4997-0...