Cindy Matthews

Cindy Matthews

Cindy A. Matthews' articles and essays have appeared in over forty publications. She works as a freelance manuscript evaluator, book reviewer, and copy editor. Her writer's guide, Defeating the Slushpile Monster, was a finalist in the self-help/non-fiction category of the 2009 EPIC awards and is now available in print and in Kindle formats. More information about her editorial services and non-fiction works can be found at her web site/blog Writing as Cynthianna, Cindy has published contemporary and fantasy romantic-comedies. Cindy also writes sf/paranormal erotic-romance as Celine Chatillon. See her work on
No One Knows by J. T Ellison

No One Knows by J. T Ellison

No One Knows, J. T Ellison, Gallery Books – Aubrey Hamilton has seen tragedy in her life. Orphaned at a young age, she endured a troubled youth in various state-run homes, suffering sexual abuse and neglect.

Loren Eiseley: Collected Essays on Evolution, Nature, and the Cosmos Edited by William Cronon

Loren Eiseley: Collected Essays on Evolution, Nature, and the Cosmos Edited by William Cronon

Loren Eiseley: Collected Essays on Evolution, Nature, and the Cosmos, Edited by William Cronon – Loren Eiseley (1907-1977) has been described as “a paleontologist with the spirit of a poet.” His works have drawn comparisons to the great naturalist-writer Henry David Thoreau and have inspired other great scientist-authors such as Carl Sagan, Stephen Jay Gould and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

The Trapped Girl by Robert Dugoni

The Trapped Girl by Robert Dugoni

The Trapped Girl, Robert Dugoni, Thomas & Mercer – Seattle Detective Tracy Crosswhite investigates when a young woman’s body is fished up in a crab pot out of Puget Sound. It seems the victim went to great lengths to conceal her identity, but who was she and from whom was she trying to hide?

Sweet Lake by Christine Nolfi

Sweet Lake by Christine Nolfi

Sweet Lake, Christine Nolfi, Lake Union – Linnie Wayfair comes from a family with a long, illustrious history. The Wayfairs virtually built the town of Sweet Lake, Ohio. Their inn played a major part in the town’s economy.

Moral Defense by Marcia Clark

Moral Defense by Marcia Clark

Moral Defense, Marcia Clark, Thomas and Mercer – Samantha Brinkman is a maverick lawyer with a strong sense of justice. She’s used to playing fast and loose inside and outside the law, but occasionally her decisions come back to bite her.