Yosemite Writers Conference Draws
Top Editors, Agents, and Record Crowds
August/September 2006

Yosemite photo

Among presenters having a great time at the 2006 Yosemite Writers conference are, from left to right: Stacey Barney, editor, Kensington Books; Doris Booth, CEO of Authorlink.com and manager of Authorlink Literary Group; Hazel Dixon Cooper, author and conference volunteer; Regina Brooks, president of Serendipity Literary Agency LLC; Bonnie Hern Hill, author who has just released her sixth hot thriller for Mira; Sheree Petree, award-winning author; and Anne Hawkins, agent with John Hawkins & Associates.Yosemite Writers Conference, 2006

The Yosemite Writers Conference 2006 attracted a record crowd of nearly 200 writers, authors, editors and agents August 24-27 at the Tenaya Lodge in Yosemite, California.

Keynote speaker was bestselling author T. Jefferson Parker.

The conference, now in its third year, has quickly gained a reputation as one of the best writers' events in the US.

Not shown are Cindy Wathen, executive director of the conference and Carol O'Hanneson, president. Bonnie Hearn Hill serves as vice president of the board. Sheree Petree is vice president and contest chair. Bob O'Hanneson is treasurer and scholarship chair. A number of other editors, agents and authors also presented at the event.

-Doris Booth