Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

The Power of the Specific

THE POWER OF THE SPECIFIC by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro June 2012 "Specific language is what allows the reader to picture what you’re writing about..." —Shapiro Specific language is what allows the reader to picture what you’re writing about,...

Abdication by Juliet Nicolson

Abdication by Juliet Nicolson

May debarks in England about the same time that Evangeline arrives at her godmother’s home in London. Evangeline is Wallis Simpson’s old school friend and May becomes the chauffeur and private secretary for Sir Phillip Blunt. Evangeline is staying with the Blunts. She and May are in good position to be part of a romantic story that changed history when a king abdicated to be with his beloved.

Ech, Writer’s Block and What to Do About It

ECH, WRITER’S BLOCK AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro May 2012 "Don’t write. Read instead." —Shapiro It’s been days, maybe weeks, and you have convinced yourself that you have used up all your material, that you will...

White Horse by Alex Adams

White Horse by Alex Adams

Zoe came home to find her apartment had been violated. Nothing was taken. A sealed jar that looks ancient and valuable was left behind. Senses alert, paranoia in full control, Zoe looks for help, for someone to tell her what to do. Nick Rose is the therapist she chooses and nothing will be the same again as, one by one, everyone she knows and cares about dies, leaving her to find hope among the shards of her life.

Creating Innovators by Tony Wagner

Creating Innovators by Tony Wagner

IN THIS GROUNDBREAKING BOOK, education expert Tony Wagner provides a powerful rationale for developing an innovation-driven economy. He explores what parents, teachers, and employers must do to develop the capacities of young people to become innovators. In profiling compelling young American innovators such as Kirk Phelps, product manager for Apple’s first iPhone, and Jodie Wu, who founded a company that builds bicycle-powered maize shellers in Tanzania, Wagner reveals how the adults in their lives nurtured their creativity and sparked their imaginations, while teaching them to learn from failures and persevere.

Hermit’s Peak by Michael McGarrity

Hermit’s Peak by Michael McGarrity

“Michael McGarrity’s early Kevin Kerney novels combined razor-sharp procedural detail with a gripping noirish edge,” raves Booklist. Available for the first time in years is Hermit’s Peak, a seminal novel in the crime fiction series that places New Mexico lawman Kevin Kerney in the pantheon with Tony Hillerman’s heroes—while carving out territory that is distinctly his own across the American Southwest.

Story Idea: Make Sense of the Ridiculous

Story Idea: Make Sense of the Ridiculous by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro April 2012 "Why this becomes believable is that it’s based on a very human quality..." —Shapiro Rereading Sam Shepard’s Day Out of Days, (Knoph, 2010), I thought of how he...

The Book of Lost Fragrances by M.J. Rose

The Book of Lost Fragrances by M.J. Rose

Books can supply stellar plots, memorable characters and amazing locations, but this particular title supplies all of these and far more. In fact, the author delves into a mystery that spreads throughout time, and turns a suspenseful novel into sheer beauty.