Suspension Richard E. Crabbe Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin?s Griffin July 2002 Trade Paperback/436 pages ISBN: 0-312-28464-0 Buy This Book "...a terrorist plot to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge." "...the action takes place...
Suspension Richard E. Crabbe Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin?s Griffin July 2002 Trade Paperback/436 pages ISBN: 0-312-28464-0 Buy This Book "...a terrorist plot to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge." "...the action takes place...
Authorlink Launches Searchable Agency Database for Listed Writers DALLAS, TX/7/1/02--Authorlink, the award-winning rights showcase for editors, agents, and writers, has launched a streamlined service for its listed writers—a free searchable database of...
Late last year, the President signed into law the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act. Under the new lawwhich adds 20 years to most copyright termsno new works will enter the public domain until 2019. Enacted to ensure adequate protection for U.S. works abroad, the new act restricts access to works published after 1922. As this article points out, passage of the act has changed the rules for using public domain materialsa rich source of quality, inexpensive content for many smaller publishers. Unfortunately, those who rely on such materials will be adversely affected by these new rules.
A monthly column written by an Authorlink contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR Why Attend Writers' Conferences? By Susan Malone July 2002 Writers often ask me about literary conferences—should they...
Mount Vernon Love Story A Novel of George and Martha Washington Mary Higgins Clark Simon & Schuster June, 2002 Hardcover/223 pages ISBN: 0-9319-1740-9 Buy This Book "A fresh view of a hero we thought we knew so well...
Bowker, Booksurge Team Up to Deliver Print-on-Demand Services New Providence, N.J./6/8/02—R.R. Bowker, the leading provider of bibliographic information in North America, has partnered with Booksurge, LLC, to make available Booksurge's on-demand book printing...
The Dog Who Spoke With Gods A Novel Diane Jessup Griffin Trade Paperback June 2002 Trade Paperback/384 pages ISBN: 0-312-29152-3 Buy This Book "A perfect book for anyone who has loved a pet."--Redbook "This...
Sex and the Single Sister A Novella Collection Maryann Reid Griffin Trade Paperback June 2002 Trade Paperback/225 pages ISBN: 0312300727 Buy This Book ". . .first book is brutally honest. . ." ". . .stories are compelling ....
The Haven A True Story of Life in the Hole Richard Dub Harper Collins Canada June 2002 Trade Paperback/274 pages ISBN: 0-00-639162-1 Buy This Book "How he . . . survived his life in "the hole" is deftly detailed . . ."...
Big Three Booksellers Post First Quarter Gains 5/27/02—America's three largest bookstore chains reported sales gains totaling 4.8% (a $1.71 billion increase) in the first quarter ended May 4, according to a Publishers Weekly report. Barnes & Noble posted...