Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Easy Company Soldier by Sgt. Don Malarkey

  Easy Company Soldier Sgt. Don Malarkey with Bob Welch St. Martin's Press 5/01/08 Trade Paperback/277 pages ISBN: 0-3123784-9-1 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . .a gritty and often humorous memoir of a soldier." Easy Company Soldier : Up...

The Dragon’s Tail

The Dragon’s Tail

The Dragon's TailThe Biography of Raphael's Masterpiece by Joanna Pitman Buy This Book via Amazon.com The Dragon's Tail The Biography of Raphael's Masterpiece by Joanna Pitman Touchstone, May 2008 Trade Paperback, 304 pages ISBN-10: 0-7432-6514-9 ISBN-13:...

Lessons of a Lipstick Queen

Lessons of a Lipstick Queen

Lessons of a Lipstick Queen Finding and Developing the Great Idea that Can Change Your Life by Poppy King Buy This Book via Amazon.com Lessons of a Lipstick Queen Finding and Developing the Great Idea that Can Change Your Life By Poppy King Atria, May 2008 Hardcover,...

The Mind of Your Story, Revisited

  Dissonance, a Novel by Lisa Lenard-Cook Buy This Book via Amazon.com The Art of Fiction:  The Mind of Your Story, Revisited by Lisa Lenard-Cook May 2008 Lisa Lenard-Cook is a regular columnist for Authorlink. She is an award-winning published author...

The Anecdote VS. The Story

THE ANECDOTE VS. THE STORY by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro May 2008   So I step off the train from Schenectady to New York at Albany for a twenty minute layover while they change the engine. When I step back onto the train, a conductor collars me. Her wild hair makes...

NY Times Bestselling Author Kimberla Lawson Roby Began as a Self-Published Writer

NY Times Bestselling Author Kimberla Lawson Roby Began as a Self-Published Writer

New York Times Bestselling Author, Kimberla Lawson Roby, has written ten novels which include, SIN NO MORE, LOVE & LIES, CHANGING FACES, THE BEST-KEPT SECRET, TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING, A TASTE OF REALITY, IT’S A THIN LINE, CASTING THE FIRST STONE, HERE AND NOW, and her debut title, BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, which was originally self-published through her own company, Lenox Press. Authorlink talked with Ms. Roby recently while she was in Dallas for an appearance at the Writer’s Garret.

The Warrior by Frances Richey

  The Warrior A Mother's Story of a Son at War Frances Richey Viking 4/15/08 Hardcover/96 pages ISBN: 0670019615 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . . lays bare the tender beating heart of a mother torn between pride and fear . . ." I’m...

The Ginseng Hunter by Jeff Talarigo

  The Ginseng Hunter Jeff Talarigo Nan A. Talese, Doubleday 4-15-08 Hardcover/192 pages ISBN: Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . . a beautiful written novel with unforgettable characters . . ." The Ginseng Hunter: Communism and tyranny from both...