Author: Fazle Chowdhury


There is a need for acceptance in consideration on the fallout of expansionism just as there is a reality now that the same players; Britain, France, Germany, and United States are more than equipped to take on the external threats which they believed have roots to their imperial past. With a diverse range of economic skillsets, soft power, a new kind of diplomacy, recognizing climate change, and managing the pandemic, these advanced governments have developed a proven means of solutions to handle crises. Yet traditional fear has not shied away from them, focusing on terrorism in areas like Afghanistan, Mali, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen and not the real source in China and domestic terror networks.


The United States is no match for the ever-so-efficient Singapore. And in the age of globalization and fierce competition in economics, trade, pandemic and the baggage of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, it is not just the United States but its allies; Britain, France and Germany that has to shoulder the heavy strains and costs to deploy hard-power resources domestically that in soft-power settings internationally.

About the Author

Author Name: Fazle Chowdhury

Fazle Chowdhury is a writer, historian, management consultant, and university lecturer in Organization Management at Bay Atlantic University in Washington DC. He is a member of the Global Policy Institute (GPI), and contributes to the Expresso Newspaper. He holds a MSc from Northeastern University and completed the Executive Program at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Education.

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