Search Results for: Spirit

Loren Eiseley: Collected Essays on Evolution, Nature, and the Cosmos Edited by William Cronon

Loren Eiseley: Collected Essays on Evolution, Nature, and the Cosmos, Edited by William Cronon – Loren Eiseley (1907-1977) has been described as “a paleontologist with the spirit of a poet.” His works have drawn comparisons to the great naturalist-writer Henry David Thoreau and have inspired other great scientist-authors such as Carl Sagan, Stephen Jay Gould and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

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Close Encounters of a Disordered Kind: Surviving and Thriving Amidst the Challenges of Alcoholism and Personality Disorders

This book presents the author’s upbringing with a narcissistic mother, and her lifetime of subsequent struggles and triumphs in chaotic interpersonal relationships, which were significantly influenced by alcoholism and challenging personality issues. The narrative takes a well-referenced dive into specific Cluster B personality disorders and their varying manifestations from a layperson’s point of view. The damaging effects of alcohol abuse on the author’s family are detailed, including possible fetal alcohol syndrome/effect, her oldest son’s sociopathy, her youngest son’s death, her daughter’s struggles with bipolar disorder—and her journey to understanding her disproportionate attraction to men who lacked conscience and empathy.

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Borderland Punk

Gussy Barthe is a teenager living in the middle of nowhere. It’s 1999, the Y2Kamikaze looms in the distance. Gussy is obsessed with punk and the gutter lifestyle. School starts in three weeks and Gussy is trying to get into as much trouble as possible before summer freedom ends and the world descends into chaos.

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