Off the Menu Christine San New American Library 8-05-08 Trade Paperback/368 pages ISBN: 0-451-22417-5 Buy This Book ". . . a case of art imitating life . . ." Off the Menu: Three successful Asian women come to terms with their...
Off the Menu Christine San New American Library 8-05-08 Trade Paperback/368 pages ISBN: 0-451-22417-5 Buy This Book ". . . a case of art imitating life . . ." Off the Menu: Three successful Asian women come to terms with their...
One More Year: A short story collection from an immigrant’s point of view. In a nation founded and profoundly changed by immigrants, Sana Krasikov brings a modern immigrant’s view to how much America has been influenced by immigrants and vice versa.
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The Blackstone Key by Rose Melikan Buy This Book via The Blackstone Key by Rose Melikan Touchstone, August 2008 Trade Paperback, 464 pages ISBN-10: 1-4165-6080-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-6080-7 It is 1795, and Mary Finch sets off to meet her wealthy uncle,...
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