Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Perfect Shot

Perfect Shot By Debbie Rigaud Buy this book at amazon.com Perfect Shot By Debbie Rigaud Simon Pulse, December 2009 Mass Market Paperback, 304 pages ISBN-10: 1416978356 ISBN-13: 9781416978350 Ages: 12 and up Grades: 7 and up Who doesn't want to be a cover girl? London...

Acting Exercises to Help You Write Powerful Scenes

Acting Exercises to Help You Write Powerful Scenes By Rochelle Jewel Shapiro December 1, 2009 "One of the exercises that we do that’s helpful to a writer is that we take the same three actions (with props) under three different circumstances."...

My Father’s Bonus March by Adam Langer

My Father’s Bonus March: Meandering memoir of a man’s life and a pivotal point in history lost and found. How well do we know our parents? The answer Adam Langer discovers is not well at all. What we know is what remains when someone else writes the history.

Direct Address: Breaking the Fourth Wall

DIRECT ADDRESS: BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL By Rochelle Jewel Shapiro November 1, 2009 "Barnes not only addresses the reader, he asks him to enter the story. . ." —Shapiro You might think that direct address to the reader--that is the author actually...