Doris Booth

Doris Booth

Doris Booth is founder and president of Authorlink®, the news and information magazine for editors, agents, writers, and readers, ranked among top websites for writers. The company’s separate literary agency represents some bestselling authors, both domestically and abroad. Doris has sold projects to St. Martin’s Press, Simon & Schuster, Sterling Publishing (Barnes and Noble), Berkley Books/Penguin, Farrar Straus Giroux and other dominant houses. She has also been involved in rights negotiations for two hit Netflix docuseries, as well as with other production studios. The agency is not accepting new authors at this time, but writers are encouraged to use Authorlink® as a comprehensive resource.

Creating Pictures In The Mind: Nan A. Talese

Nan A. Talese, Senior Vice President of Doubleday/RandomHouse and publisher of Nan A. Talese Books, talks about the future of book publishing and offers insights into what authors can do to improve their chances of being published in today’s broader marketplace.

Tenacity Is Key to Becoming Published, Says Author Heather Graham

Tenacity Is Key to Becoming Published, Says Author Heather Graham

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heather Graham has published more than 100 books in twenty different languages and also writes under the name Shannon Drake. Her latest book, The Last Noel (Mira), was scheduled for release November 1, 2007. And she is now working on a series due for release in late 2008.

Writing Is How David Corbett Makes Sense of His World

Writing Is How David Corbett Makes Sense of His World

David Corbett worked for 15 years as a private investigator in San Francisco, playing a significant part in a number of high-profile criminal and civil litigations. He later became “Man Friday” for his wife, Terri, as she launched her own law practice.

Stacey Barney, Penguin Children’s Editor Talks About Her Job and What Writers Need to Know

Stacey Barney, an editor at Putnam Books for Young Readers, has held posts in both adult and children’s book publishing. She has worked with such talented writers as Chris Abani and William Henry Lewis. She has also published LA Times bestselling author Tamara T. Gregory’s Passport Diaries as well as Denver Post bestselling author Gilbert Tuhabonye’s This Voice in My Heart.

Gayle Lynds Talks About Her Latest Novel: The Last Spymaster

Gayle Lynds Talks About Her Latest Novel: The Last Spymaster

New York Times Bestselling Thriller Author Gayle Lynds talks with Auhorlink at the recent Santa Barbara, CA Writers Conference. Sorry about less-than-optimum recording environment in a busy hotel. We didn’t want to miss the chance to bring you this prolific writer’s insights.