Doris Booth

Doris Booth

Doris Booth is founder and president of Authorlink®, the news and information magazine for editors, agents, writers, and readers, ranked among top websites for writers. The company’s separate literary agency represents some bestselling authors, both domestically and abroad. Doris has sold projects to St. Martin’s Press, Simon & Schuster, Sterling Publishing (Barnes and Noble), Berkley Books/Penguin, Farrar Straus Giroux and other dominant houses. She has also been involved in rights negotiations for two hit Netflix docuseries, as well as with other production studios. The agency is not accepting new authors at this time, but writers are encouraged to use Authorlink® as a comprehensive resource.
Bruce Dern: Things I’ve Said, But Probably Shouldn’t Have

Bruce Dern: Things I’ve Said, But Probably Shouldn’t Have

Bruce Dern is one of Hollywood’s most indelible actors. Many moviegoers will know him as the guy who shot John Wayne in The Cowboys. His career has spanned B and Z movies to Oscar and Golden Globe nominations for some of the most memorable performances in modern cinema. He turned down career-making roles in the Godfather and Gandhi, valuing artistic challenge above roles that might have made him rich and famous.

The Big Book of Classic Fantasy

The Big Book of Classic Fantasy

The Big Book of Classic Fantasy, Ann and Jeff Vandemeer, Vintage – For those of us looking to escape the insanity of today’s world, here is a book that can immerse the reader into pure fantasy landscapes. 

Erling Kagge Explores Silence in the Age of Noise

Erling Kagge Explores Silence in the Age of Noise

Once in a while, a book comes along that haunts the mind and soul--not in a ghostly sense, but as a persistent reminder that something important and universal has been said, something that makes us feel less alone. Silence in the Age of Noise by Erling Kagge is the...