Writing Insights – Should You Ignore Plot Holes in Writing a Draft?
Writing Insights – Should You Ignore Plot Holes in Writing a Draft?
Where They Wait, Scott Carson, Atria – In WHERE THEY WAIT, recently laid-off from his newspaper and desperate for work, war correspondent Nick Bishop takes a humbling job: writing a profile of a new mindfulness app called Clarity.
Editor's Note: We welcome comments, questions, and corrections on any of the statements made in this article. We strive for accuracy and fairness. Opinion/Analysis Here's the sad truth. Very few self-published writers succeed by exclusively publishing on Amazon,...
The premise in a story can be defined in one or two sentences as the central idea of your story. A good premise is a basis for how an outcome will be decided. It is about what happens to the characters as a result of the actions in a story. Some broad examples are...
Interview: Paper Doll Lina, Robyn Lucas, Lake Union Publishing – debut novelist Robyn Lucas delivers an honest and deeply moving portrait of life as the victim of domestic abuse—something she experienced first-hand during her 19-year marriage.
Writing Insights: Can an Editor or Agent Assure I Will Be Published?
In a story, usually, the antagonist works against the protagonist to create the main conflict. He/she thwarts the hero's efforts to achieve a critical goal. Some famous examples of villains are Hannibal Lecter, Norman Bates, and Darth Vader. Who is your antagonist?...
Writing Insights – 20-Second Writing Tip: Create a Hook for Your Book
How Amazon pays you to sell a book depends on whether you are publishing through its self-publishing platform and in which plan you select, or whether you have an agent and have sold to Amazon's own publishing unit which operates more on the lines of a traditional...
Unthinkable, Brad Parks, Thomas & Mercer – Bestselling author Brad Parks is a pro at taking unusual, even “out there” premises, then populating them with relatable characters and grounding them in such realistic detail you almost believe the story could really happen.