Start by feeling passionate about an idea or subject or a moment in time that keeps nagging you. We writers are attracted to shiny things. Like some birds, we curiously collect and hoard ideas. Ravens covet glittering objects, often arranging little treasure—-bits of tin, a knife or pen— in patterns that signal meaning to their fellow fowl. 

We too like glittering things in our heads. We try to weave them into stories that help us understand each other. So to begin, look for the shiny objects, the thoughts that keep returning, that tell you something about human nature, about who we are. In the careful telling, you can leave a little gift of understanding for your flock.

Through your story—-the plot points, the characters, the details—you are carefully unwrapping the secret inside—its purpose. Finally, the core idea becomes clear to the reader. 

What strikes you as odd or curious or poignant. Look for the shiny things in your thoughts, and write them into a meaningful pattern.