How do I get someone to critique my writing? I want to know if my stuff is readable.

Text from the three-minute video:

A good critique should assess these elements in your work:

  1. Hook (How well have you hooked/engaged the reader in the first five pages)
  2. Conflict (is the conflict sufficient)
  3. Characterization (Are the characters likable, authentic?)
  4. Dialogue (Is the dialogue natural?)
  5. Point of view (Do you understand how to handle point of view?)
  6. Pacing (Are your plot points well placed to keep the reader engaged?)
  7. Showing vs telling (Do you avoid telling or information dumping?)
  8. Concept/theme/plot (Are the concept and plot strong and marketable)

These are some of the elements we consider in our mini critiques.

Get a critique quote on your work. Go to and select Services, Edit.