Most definitely, the quality of the writing depends upon what a writer has seen and experienced. One would not expect an artist to paint a landscape without vision. Likewise, a writer who is blind to life can not adequately communicate feelings and experiences to a reader. I do not mean that a person who is physically blind cannot write. Indeed he or she may be able to express far deeper emotion.

The inner eye is a writer’s most important possession.

While the physical eye  absorbs surrounding world experiences,  the inner eye must process the emotional meaning. What does it mean to win or lose a battle with nature, another person, or with one’s? What does it mean to lose a spouse or child? What does it mean to be betrayed or to love? Why are we here? These are the questions our stories can answer.

Seeing becomes meaning  when the writer journeys into himself or herself to assess their worldly experiences. A story becomes clear to the reader only when it has become clear to the writer.

To be a better writer, observe with both outer and inner eye.