August 23- August 30, 2007 Edition

Britain’s Former
Prime Minister
Shops Book Deal

WASHINGTON, DC/8/16/07–Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has hired Washington attorney and literary agent Robert Barnett to sell an as-yet-unwritten memoir, according to the Associated Press (August 16, 2007). Barnett has served as the agent for former President Clinton and former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, bringing them multi-million-dollar deals.

The 54-year-old former prime minister stepped down in June after having served more than ten years in office, succeeded by Labour Party candidate Gordon Brown.

The AP item reported that: “Books by British leaders have had mixed success overseas, often depending on the minister’s fame. Margaret Thatcher wrote a best-selling memoir and Winston Churchill’s numerous memoirs and works of history brought him a Nobel prize for literature.”

Blair is the author of a collection of speeches titled “New Britain: My Vision of a Young Country,” published in 1997.