All the Breaking Waves by Kerry Lonsdale

Mom and Daughter with Psychic Powers Struggle to Save Each Other

An exclusive Authorlink interview

By Diane Slocum

March, 2017

All the Breaking Waves
By Kerry Lonsdale
(Lake Union Publishing)
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All the Breaking Waves, Kerry Lonsdale, Lake Union Publishing. – The women in Molly’s family have special abilities – to foresee the future, to communicate telepathically, and in Molly’s case, to cause people to do as she directs against their own will. Molly’s father feels these powers make his women seem like freaks and forbids them to use their powers. During a family tragedy, she uses her gift, adding to the terrible consequences. When Molly’s eight-year-old daughter exhibits psychic powers, Molly turns to her own grandmother for help, fearing she may not have long to live herself.



“In this story, Molly’s goal is to keep her daughter safe, no matter the cost to herself.”

AUTHORLINK: What is Molly’s goal in your story?

LONSDALE: Molly is a wonderful character. I thoroughly enjoyed writing her story. She represents every parent faced with difficult, and sometimes life-threatening, choices about their child’s well-being. We all make sacrifices for our children. In this story, Molly’s goal is to keep her daughter safe, no matter the cost to herself.

 AUTHORLINK: How did you plan your story? Did you anticipate the twists and turns or did some surprise you?

LONSDALE: To a certain extent, I’m a plotter, so yes, some twists are planned. Others surprise me as I write. I love when that happens. Those are usually the best twists.

“Did she really foresee these events or did she only plant the idea in my head . . .”

AUTHORLINK: Have you ever had any psychic abilities or known anyone who did?

LONSDALE: Great question! I personally do not have abilities, but I’ve always been fascinated by them. As I mention in the book’s acknowledgements, in my youth, I typically found myself in the back corner of the public library devouring books about unsolved mysteries and unexplained events. I don’t know anyone personally with abilities, but I did have a reading done during a girl’s day out party. The psychic we invited made some pretty wild predictions about my future, many of which have come true. This begs the question: Did she really foresee these events or did she only plant the idea in my head and I subconsciously maneuvered my life in that direction? Wouldn’t that make for an interesting discussion?

AUTHORLINK: How was the experience of writing your second novel and getting it published different from your first?

LONSDALE: My debut, Everything We Keep, was a very successful Kindle First selection. The eBook skyrocketed to the top of the Kindle bestseller list where it stayed for over a month. And, it remained in the top ten for several more. Those first months were a whirlwind of activity and attention. My second novel, All the Breaking Waves, has been successful in its own right, almost instantly hitting bestseller lists, but its release had much less fanfare. I was able to enjoy watching its performance and appreciate readers’ love for the book without feeling like I was spinning in a tornado.

AUTHORLINK: How are your two novels similar and different?

LONSDALE: Both books are commercial fiction that bridge genres: suspense, mystery, and romance. Aimee, the protagonist in Everything We Keep, was naïve. She had a lot more growth as an independent individual to go through where Molly, the protagonist in All the Breaking Waves, had to learn how to forgive herself and trust in her ability to mother. Both characters go on a fascinating inner journey that I enjoyed exploring.

Everything We Left Behind, was written in six months. That’s the fastest I’ve written a novel.”

AUTHORLINK: Your third book is set for release in July and your first debuted last August. How were you able to get three books scheduled for release within less than a year?

LONSDALE: Doesn’t that sound crazy? It’s definitely been a busy year. All the Breaking Waves was already written when I contracted for Everything We Keep. My third novel, Everything We Left Behind, was written in six months. That’s the fastest I’ve written a novel. I run out of breath thinking about my schedule this past year. Lol.

 AUTHORLINK: What did you write before novels and how did that compare with writing novels?

LONSDALE: Prior to writing fiction, I worked as a marketing executive where my career over the years encompassed everything from writing copy to overseeing teams of marketing professionals, ranging from small start-ups to fast-growing high tech companies. Writing marketing copy, website content, and technical articles is definitely different than writing a novel, but in both, you’re telling a story. That’s the only similarity I can come up with. Lol. I definitely get more enjoyment from writing novels. It’s wonderful to hear from readers.

AUTHORLINK: What are you working on next?

LONSDALE: I have a couple of commercial fiction projects in the works. Like my previous novels, they’ll bridge genres. I’m looking forward to sharing these stories.

About the Author:

Kerry Lonsdale is a founder of the online Women’s Fiction Writers Association and a graduate of California Polytechnic State University. She lives in Northern California with her husband and two children.

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Diane Slocum
Regular Contributor:
Diane Slocum

Diane Slocum has been a newspaper reporter and editor and authored an historical book. As a freelance writer, she contributes regularly to magazines and newspapers. She writes features on authors and a column for writers and readers in Lifestyle magazine. She is assigned to write interviews of first-time novelists and bestselling authors for Authorlink.