Why do you love? Why do you lie? What makes you happy? Every single thought you have comes from one place: your brain. But what makes it tick? How much of it have we decoded, and how much of it remains an impenetrable mystery?

Join best-selling author and online cartoonist Jorge Cham and neuroscientist Dwayne Godwin on a deep dive into the fascinating world of the human brain, in which they will explore questions such as: What is consciousness? Where is you in the brain? And do we have free will? All while illuminating everything we know (and DON’T know) about one of the most complex objects in the known universe.

 OUT OF YOUR MIND: The Biggest Mysteries of the Human Brain by Jorge Cham and Dwayne Godwin, from Pantheon Books, offers a fascinating and humorous journey into the intricacies of the human brain, perfect for anyone curious about neuroscience.

Think of it as conversation-ammunition for your next cocktail party, or a quick fascinating read while you’re in the bathroom (don’t worry, the chapters aren’t that long). Centered around questions we all ask ourselves at some point but don’t usually have answers to, Out of Your Mind is an illustrated book about the brain that isn’t too brainy. Playful, accessible, and deeply insightful, it’s the one brain book that’s truly accessible and suitable for all brains.

Out of Your Mind provides an engaging and accessible introduction to neuroscience, making it an ideal read for those intrigued by the workings of the brain. While authors like David Eagleman, Oliver Sacks, Lisa Feldman Barrett, and Leonard Mlodinow have long captivated audiences with their insights, their works can sometimes be quite dense. Out of Your Mind stands out by combining authoritative information with humor and illustrations, making complex concepts easy to grasp and enjoyable to read. This book is in the tradition of best-sellers like ImmuneWhat If?Thing Explainer, and Soonish, catering to readers who appreciate smart, playful, and well-crafted guides to complex topics.

Based on the popular Mind in Pictures series that Jorge and Dwayne contributed to Scientific American Mind for eight years, Out of Your Mind uses cartoons, historical anecdotes, and the latest research to explore a wide range of topics. From unusual neurological cases to the everyday impact of brain science, this book ensures that readers will find the material both informative and entertaining.


The Biggest Mysteries of the Human Brain

By Jorge Cham and Dwayne Godwin

9780593317358 | HC | 01/28/25 | $28.00 | Knopf; Pantheon

Named one of…

Outside Magazine’s The 2024 Sweat Science Holiday Book List (12/02)

Washington Independent Review of Books’ Beyond the Book – Sneak Preview: Winter 2024 (12/05)

BookBrowse’s The Best New Books Publishing in January 2025 (01/01)

“An entertaining examination of fundamental questions about what makes us human.”

– Kirkus Reviews, Review (12/09 | In December 15th, 2024 Print Issue)

From the creator of WE HAVE NO IDEA, an introductory journey into your own mind—if your inner voice had a Ph.D. in brain science, cracked jokes, and drew cartoons.

JORGE CHAM is the Daytime Emmy-nominated and best-selling cartoonist creator of the popular online comic strip “Piled Higher and Deeper” (known as PHD Comics – phdcomics.com). He is the co-creator, Executive Producer and Creative Director of “Elinor Wonders Why,” one of the highest-rated animated shows on PBS Kids, and the co-author of two popular science books: the best-selling and award-winning We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknown Universe and Frequently Asked Questions about the Universe, as well as the children’s book Oliver’s Great Big Universe. Jorge is also the co-host and co-creator of “Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe” a popular podcast and radio show. He obtained his Ph.D. in robotics from Stanford University and was an Instructor and Research Associate at Caltech from 2003-2005. He is originally from Panama.

DWAYNE GODWIN is a neuroscientist, an educator, and an academic leader who is a professor in the Department of Translational Neuroscience and served as graduate dean at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. His research centers on the cellular basis of abnormal brain rhythms, including active projects on calcium channel function, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. His goal is to use emerging insights about the brain to develop treatments and potential cures for neurological diseases. His science outreach includes Mind in Pictures, cocreated with Jorge Cham for Scientific American Mind, as well as blogs for the Society for Neuroscience and the Museum of the Moving Image.