Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

The Sun and Other Stars A Novel by Brigid Pasulka

The Sun and Other Stars A Novel by Brigid Pasulka

The Sun and Other Stars A Novel By Brigid Pasulka Buy This Book via Amazon.com Simon & Schuster | 336 pages | ISBN 9781451667110 | February 2014 Brigid Pasulka’s PEN/Hemingway award-winning debut novel was compared to the works of Jonathan Safran Foer by the...

The Museum of Extraordinary Things A Novel by Alice Hoffman

The Museum of Extraordinary Things A Novel by Alice Hoffman

The Museum of Extraordinary Things A Novel By Alice Hoffman Buy This Book via Amazon.com Scribner | 384 pages | ISBN 9781451693560 | February 2014 Mesmerizing and illuminating, Alice Hoffman’s The Museum of Extraordinary Things is the story of an electric and...

The Lonely Writer’s Companion – 2014

The Lonely Writer’s Companion – 2014

The Lonely Writer's Companion “How Do You Deal with Writer’s Block?” Welcome to the new improved Lonely Writer’s Companion! The format’s simple: You send in your questions, and each month I’ll select one to answer. Email your questions to me c/o dbooth@authorlink.com....

Create an Alternative World – 2014

Create an Alternative World – 2014

CREATE AN ALTERNATIVE WORLD by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro  February 2014 Watch for her insights every month on Authorlink "Stephen Dobyns encourages writers to create alternative world for their readers." —Shapiro In his helpful book about writing, Best Words, Best Order...

Weeknight Fresh & Fast by Kristine Kidd

Weeknight Fresh & Fast by Kristine Kidd

Weeknight Fresh & Fast By Kristine Kidd Buy This Book via Amazon.com Weldon Owen  |  240 pages  |  ISBN 9781616286866  | January 2014 Simple, healthy meals for every night of the week. Weeknight Fresh & Fast shows how to put a...

The Death Class by Erika Hayasaki – 2014

The Death Class by Erika Hayasaki – 2014

The Death Class By Erika Hayasaki Buy This Book via Amazon.com Simon & Schuster | 288 pages | ISBN 9781451642858 | January 2014 Why does a college course on death have a three-year waiting list? When nurse Norma Bowe decided to teach a course on death at a college...

Be Polite: Punctuate Right!

Be Polite: Punctuate Right!

BE POLITE: PUNCTUATE RIGHT! by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro  January 2014 Watch for her insights every month on Authorlink ". . .caring about punctuation is a way of being polite to your reader. . ." —Shapiro Punctuation comes from the same root as “punctilious,” which...

The Lonely Writer’s Companion – 2014

The Lonely Writer’s Companion – 2014

The Lonely Writer's Companion “What’s the Big Deal About Formatting?” Welcome to the new improved Lonely Writer’s Companion! The format’s simple: You send in your questions, and each month I’ll select one to answer. Email your...