"If you can get a good agent publishers take you seriously." Louise Titchener, Author of 40 published novels A Special Conference Report Baltimore Writers Alliance: "Writing and Getting Published" By Mary Stearn...
"If you can get a good agent publishers take you seriously." Louise Titchener, Author of 40 published novels A Special Conference Report Baltimore Writers Alliance: "Writing and Getting Published" By Mary Stearn...
"The Internet is a natural progression for newspapers. . . a progression they will be forced to take." Renae Ross, Microsoft, Southern California, Internet Business Development Manager A Special Report Society of Professional Journalists...
"Books by women on Western subjects don't always fit neatly into the women's fiction category. We're trying hard to get noticed" Cindy Bonner Co-founder, Women Writing the West A Brief Report The Women Writing The West Conference Women...
"The writer who sells writes very lean prose." Paul Lazarus Former V.P., HBO Feature Film Productions A Special Report The South Florida Writer's Conference By Nancy Ess Authorlink South Florida Correspondent One of the great draws of the South Florida...
"There is only one way to get on in the business of writing and that is to WRITE." --Steve Allen, TV/Radio Star/Author Special Report No Crime Unpublished Mystery Writers Conference Delivers Stars, Information By Judy K. Moore, Authorlink! California...
"Ultimately, today's authors must toughen up before they begin to crusade for their works." --Alice Orr, Literary Agent Women's Writing Guild Conference Offers Valuable Tips Special Report By Jennifer Rampey, Authorlink! Georgia Correspondent These...
"Story telling is bungee-jumping in emotional form." --Christopher Vogler, Fox 2000 Southwest Writers Workshop Draws Key Editors, Agents Insights and tips from the 15th Annual Conference Page One of Two Southwest Writers Workshop, one of the...
"You, too, are being silently interviewed by your subject". Calling on the Cops: Developing Police Sources for Your Research By Daniel A. Byram, Retired Undercover Cop Authorlink! Arizona Correspondent Good mystery and police fiction writers...
"If you want to get published, study the market and see who publishes what you like. --Sara Ann Freed Senior Editor, Warner Books A Special Report on The Harriette Austin Writer's Conference By Donny Seagraves, Authorlink! Georgia Correspondent...
Unearthing the deep-rooted creativity and passion that inspires fictional characters requires an author to expect the unexpected. That’s one pearl of wisdom author Emily Hanlon shared with writers recently at a workshop focusing on unleashing and developing characters from the imagination.