Advice To Aspiring Young Writers Noted Science Fiction/Fantasy author, and educational television host, Jeffrey A.Carver offers tips to the aspiring young writer "Truth is a matter of the imagination." --Ursula K. LeGuin "I only write when I am...
Advice To Aspiring Young Writers Noted Science Fiction/Fantasy author, and educational television host, Jeffrey A.Carver offers tips to the aspiring young writer "Truth is a matter of the imagination." --Ursula K. LeGuin "I only write when I am...
"Most agents are hungry for that golden 2%. . . You must be the first to believe that you're a two-percenter, and then you must invariably portray yourself that way..." Common Questions Writers Ask Me About Literary Agents: Jeff Herman, respected...
Negotiating Motion Picture Rights for Your Book A specialist in entertainment law provides insights on negotiating an option for motion picture rights to a literary work. By Sharon L.Fjordbak, Attorney And Counselor At Law When a motion picture production...
"The X-Factor is that thing that distinguishes the artist from the workman, the journeyman from the master..." The X-Factor: Key To Creating Believable Characters Successful adult and children's fiction writer, Don Whittington, reveals three key...
Now Face to Face Karleen Koen Three Rivers Press 01/13/1996 Trade Paperback/721 pages ISBN: 978-0-307-40608-8 Buy This Book "Koen brings the characters to life through their flaws and hidden treachery." Now Face to Face is a...