Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Skiing the Slippery Slopes of Publishing

A monthly column written by an Authorlink! contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR "Skiing the Slippery Slopes of Publishing " By Susan Malone May, 1999 Writers are bombarded these days with a...

The Ink-Stained Wretch: “The Writer’s Desk”

A monthly column of wit, insight, irreverance and inspiration by a published author and veteran of the publishing trenches. The Ink-Stained Wretch Don Whittington April/May, 1999 "The Writer's Desk" One of the things I like to do when I visit...

“Staying Afloat in a Sea of Submissions”

A monthly column written by an Authorlink! contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR "Staying Afloat In A Sea Of Submissions" By Susan Malone April, 1999 The business of publishing has grown so...

Fair Use

Fair Use By Margaret Adamson Fincannon Reprinted with permission from Margaret's Tutorials, FREE Internet Encyclopedia ( http://www.clever.net/cam/cyberlib.34.html)   On the Web, everybody is a publisher. So it behooves everyone to try to work together for a...

Greer Kessel Hendricks, Editor Pocket Books, Washington Square Press, MTV Books

My first job after college was at Allure Magazine where I worked as an editorial assistant. I left there to attend the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. While at Columbia I took a book writing and publishing course which led me to the decision to pursue a career as a book editor. After graduating I worked at Scribner as an Assistant Editor and then I moved to Pocket Books.

EDITORIAL RATES: The Difference in Fee Structures

ASK THE EDITOR By Susan Malone EDITORIAL RATES: The Difference in Fee Structures March, 1999 So, you’ve polished your manuscript, and plunged into the marketing madness of today’s publishing world. But the rejection letters mount. Many are forms, some...

Breaking Into The Business

A monthly column written by an Authorlink! contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR "Breaking Into The Business" By Susan Malone March, 1999   "How do I break into publishing? Just give me...

Agents CAN Charge Expenses!

"No agency should EVER charge up-front fees to defray expenses or to read or evaluate a manuscript, but. . ." Agents CAN Charge Expenses! by W. Gail Manchur, President, ABS Literary Agency a Division of Associated Book Service, Inc February, 1999...