Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Breaking Into The Business

A monthly column written by an Authorlink! contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input to this page. ASK THE EDITOR "Breaking Into The Business" By Susan Malone March, 1999   "How do I break into publishing? Just give me...

Agents CAN Charge Expenses!

"No agency should EVER charge up-front fees to defray expenses or to read or evaluate a manuscript, but. . ." Agents CAN Charge Expenses! by W. Gail Manchur, President, ABS Literary Agency a Division of Associated Book Service, Inc February, 1999...

Nancy S. Miller, Senior Editor Pocket Books, New York Director, Washington Square Press, New York Imprints of Simon & Schuster

There have to be common- sense reasons to acquire a manuscript–that it will find its market, that there are creative ways to reach that market–but I also feel I have to fall in love with it on a gut level, or there really won’t be a way to make it work. I can say that I have that gut feeling about almost every manuscript I acquire.


ASK THE EDITOR By Susan Malone CHOOSING AN EDITORIAL SERVICE January 1999 In the past decade, the face of publishing has drastically changed. And most evident among these changes is the relationship between editor and author. Editors no longer spend much time...

Solving The Out-of-Print Dilemma

Literary agents Richard Curtis and Donald Maass provide insights on E-rights for Authorlink writers Solving The Out-of-Print Dilemma by Richard Curtis and Donald Maass August 1998 Introduction to the E-rights Topic: As you are undoubtedly aware, there have been...

The Ink-Stained Wretch: “The Big Easy”

A monthly column of wit, insight, irreverance and inspiration by a published author and veteran of the publishing trenches. The Ink-Stained Wretch: "The Big Easy" Don Whittington December, 1998   This is how easy it is: You get up at six...

Writing and Illustrating for Kids Fall Conference

Writing a longer novel is like falling in love. You feel like something strong has taken hold of you and won’t let go.”  --Barbara Timberlake Russell, Published Author A Special Report WRITING AND ILLUSTRATING FOR KIDS FALL CONFERENCE Society of...