Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Don D’Auria, Editor Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc.

My first actual job in publishing was as a sales rep for Farrar, Straus and Giroux, a small literary publisher, in those days still independently owned. They had a wonderful list and I believe they still have more Nobel laureates than any other house, but it was frustrating for me, because I wanted to be in editorial, not sales. So after a few years, I made the jump over to editorial at Cloverdale Press, where I really learned to edit in a lot of different genres. in a sense, that was my start as an editor.

The Ink-Stained Wretch

A monthly column of wit, insight, irreverance and inspiration by a published author and veteran of the publishing trenches. The Ink-Stained Wretch Don Whittington August 1, 1998 So it has come to this. I have to write a monthly column about the writing life. This...

Knowing the International Marketplace

"A single cultural or political error in your query letter, article, or images can get you a quick 'no thanks' from an editor. . ." Knowing the International Marketplace By Michael Sedge The first step towards successful international sales...