Borrowed Flesh Sephera Giron Leisure March 2004 Trade Paperback/340 pages ISBN: 0843952571 Buy This Book "The bones are intact, but Giron needs to borrow more than flesh to make this story immortal." "This time...
Borrowed Flesh Sephera Giron Leisure March 2004 Trade Paperback/340 pages ISBN: 0843952571 Buy This Book "The bones are intact, but Giron needs to borrow more than flesh to make this story immortal." "This time...
Reprinted with special permission from Lloyd J.Jassin, Esq. COLLABORATION AGREEMENTS IN THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY by Lloyd J. Jassin, Esq. March 2004 You might be an author intending to work with someone who has an idea for a how-to book. Or you could be a celebrity...
One in a series of articles written by various professionals who provide editorial services. To Edit or Not to Edit: That Is the Question by Nicole A. Bentley Editor-in-Chief at A-1 Editing Service March 2004 To edit or not to edit, that is the question. And indeed it...
A periodic column written by award-winnning New York editor Michael Seidman Stet #4 Occasional Thoughts from the Editorial Side by Michael Seidman March 2004 I was listening to Melissa Gilbert on The Today Show this morning; she was appearing in her capacity as...
The Art of Fiction: It Begins by Lisa Lenard-Cook March 2004 Dissonance, a Novel by Lisa Lenard-Cook Buy This Book via Authorlink welcomes an exciting new columnist this month. Lisa Lenard-Cook is an award-winning author and writing...
A monthly column written by an Authorlink contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input about writing and publishing ASK THE EDITOR WRITING SOMETHING FRESH by Susan Malone March 2004 You will universally hear fiction editors say: "I want...
Deep in the Darkness Michael Laimo Dorchester Leisure February 2, 2004 Trade Paperback/369 pages ISBN: 0-8439-5314-4 Buy This Book "Michael Laimo paints a surrealistic landscape . . ." "When dreams are achieved too easily,...
The Instinct To Heal Curing stress, anxiety, and depression . . . David Servan-Schreiber, MD Ph.D. Rodale Books February 1, 2004 Hardcover/265 pages ISBN: 1-57954-902-0 Buy This Book ". . . documents the mind-body...
Promoting Your Book: Little Stations Count? More Than You Might Think by Marsha Friedman President, Events Management Services, Inc. Authorlink Guest Columnist February 2004 "Talk radio is, unequivocally, a great vehicle for authors. ....
A monthly column written by an Authorlink contributing editor. We welcome your questions, comments and input about writing and publishing ASK THE EDITOR Taking Criticism by Susan Malone February 2004 We've talked recently about how to deal with rejection, and what...