Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Grayson by Lynne Cox

    Grayson Lynne Cox Knopf 8/20/2006 Hardcover/148 pages ISBN: 0-307-26454-8 Buy This Book www.amazon.com     ". . . a welcome and beautifully written diversion." This slim volume, Grayson, reports Lynne Cox’s encounter with a baby...

Rapture by Thomas Tessier

  Rapture Thomas Tessier Dorchester Publishing 08/20/06 Trade Paperback/342 pages ISBN: 0-8439-5558-9 ". . .a cautionary tale that reminds us hell is a cold place when the scorned lover is a man of means and intelligence." All work and no play make Jeff...

Last Notes by Tamas Dobozy

    Last Notes A collection of stories Tamas Dobozy Arcade 08/18/2006 Hardcover/181 pages ISBN: 1-55970-808-5 Buy This Book www.amazon.com     "Dobozy writes with meticulous detail and a compelling tenderness..."   Last Notes is a...

An Exclusive Interview with Sarah Durand, Senior Editor, Morrow/Avon

I remember pretending to read books to my friends when I was a toddler and even before I could read—but I would hold the book upside down! I later remember reading the first three books in the Little House series sitting in my parents’ car on a road trip—reading words I didn’t understand out loud to my Mom. I loved stories of adventure and heroic young girls caught up in strange situations—like LITTLE HOUSE or ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS.

The Art of Fiction: Someone Wants Something…

Dissonance, a Novel by Lisa Lenard-Cook Buy This Book via Amazon.com The Art of Fiction: Someone Wants Something . . . by Lisa Lenard-Cook August 2006 "I've noticed there are a number of issues students ask about again and again . . . "...

An Exclusive Interview With Mark Tavani

I had majored in writing at the University of Pittsburgh and when I decided that I did not want make a career of being a forestry aid, I also decided that I wanted to do something that involved my greatest passion—writing. I began looking into the publishing industry, one contact led to another, and eventually I was put in touch with Nita Taublib at Bantam. Bantam didn’t have any suitable and open positions at that time, but Ballantine did, and Nita suggested I speak with them. I did and the next day I had a job offer.

The Art of Fiction: Revision Decisions!

The Art of Fiction: Revision Decisions!

Dissonance, a Novel by Lisa Lenard-Cook  Buy This Book via Amazon.com The Art of Fiction: Revision Decisions! by Lisa Lenard-Cook July 2006 "The other women in my writers' group were thrilled to learn I was working on this novel...

Daughter of the Ganges by Asha Miró

    Daughter of the Ganges A Memoir Asha Miró Atria Books June 2006 Hardcover/320 pages ISBN: 0-7432-8672-3 Buy This Book www.amazon.com     ". . .an intimate look into one woman’s quest to uncover her origins."...