Doris Booth

Doris Booth

Doris Booth is founder and president of Authorlink®, the news and information magazine for editors, agents, writers, and readers, ranked among top websites for writers. The company’s separate literary agency represents some bestselling authors, both domestically and abroad. Doris has sold projects to St. Martin’s Press, Simon & Schuster, Sterling Publishing (Barnes and Noble), Berkley Books/Penguin, Farrar Straus Giroux and other dominant houses. She has also been involved in rights negotiations for two hit Netflix docuseries, as well as with other production studios. The agency is not accepting new authors at this time, but writers are encouraged to use Authorlink® as a comprehensive resource.
Isaac Marion’s Debut Novel, Warm Bodies, Redefines Zombie Genre

Isaac Marion’s Debut Novel, Warm Bodies, Redefines Zombie Genre

Newcomer writer Isaac Marion has a new take on the iconic tale of ROMEO AND JULIET. Sure, ROMEO AND JULIET is the classic love story, but it’s also a story of doomed love. In his brilliant debut novel, WARM BODIES (Emily Bestler Books; $15.00; December 25, 2012), Marion takes matters into his own hands and envisions an entirely new ending for two disparate people who triumph through love.

Former Publishing Insider Peter McCarthy Offers Insights Into Random House and Penguin Merger

Former Publishing Insider Peter McCarthy Offers Insights Into Random House and Penguin Merger

Former Random House and Penguin Vice President Peter McCarthy provides an insider’s look at the planned merger between the world’s two largest publishing entities, Penguin and Random House. McCarthy has held executive positions at both Penguin Group (USA) and Random House, Inc, where he focused on marketing innovation, digital business development, and corporate strategy, and knows the major players from each organization.

Joanne Harris, Bestselling Author of Chocolat Again Weaves Her Magic

Joanne Harris, Bestselling Author of Chocolat Again Weaves Her Magic

Anyone who has read Joanne Harris, author of Chocolat, an international bestseller, will be familiar with the deliciously warm character of Vianne Rocher. In Harris’ latest novel, PEACHES FOR FATHER FRANCIS (Viking October 2012), it’s eight years later and Vianne receives a letter from beyond the grave from her friend Armande, summoning her back from her life on a houseboat in Paris to the quaint village of Lansquenet where she used to run her chocolate shop.

Jennifer Dubois is Finding Meaning in the Face of Doom

Jennifer Dubois is Finding Meaning in the Face of Doom

In Jennifer DuBois’ debut novel, A PARTIAL HISTORY OF LOST CAUSES (Dial Press Trade Paperback 2012), a long-lost letter links two disparate characters each searching for meaning against seemingly insurmountable odds— – a former Soviet chess champion running a presidential campaign against Putin and a young woman living in fear of a disease she knows she will inherit.

Kobo Books Dives Beneath the Covers of Fifty Shades of Grey

Kobo Books Dives Beneath the Covers of Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James continues to turn up the heat on e-book sales. Everybody’s reading it and the momentum for this phenomeonon is showing no signs of slowing. The hot series continues to top Kobo Books’ bestseller lists. Just last month, the title had sold 20 million copies in the US alone.

Spencer Quinn’s New Chet and Bernie Mystery Captures the Emotional Connection Between Man and Dog

Spencer Quinn’s New Chet and Bernie Mystery Captures the Emotional Connection Between Man and Dog

Spencer Quinn burst onto the literary scene three novels back with bestseller Dog On It, a fresh and funny romp hailed as “pure comedic genius” by Publishers Weekly. Narrated by Chet the Dog and co-starring his favorite human, private investigator Bernie Little, Quinn’s remarkable debut prompted the Los Angeles Times to write, “Nothing short of masterful…Sequels are a given, and a must.”

Luanne Rice Writes  Novels in Her Dreams  and Millions of Readers Listen In

Luanne Rice Writes Novels in Her Dreams and Millions of Readers Listen In

Luanne Rice admits that that she “writes in her dreams.” Lucky for readers, the practice has resulted in thirty compelling New York Times bestselling novels. In this intimate Authorlink AUDIO interview, Luanne talks about abuse and family violence, a topic she often explores in her novels, and about how victims can find healing and peace.

Debut Novelist Nick Dybek Explores Forces That Make a Good Man Go Bad

Debut Novelist Nick Dybek Explores Forces That Make a Good Man Go Bad

From young and talented Nick Dybek comes a stunning and suspenseful debut novel, WHEN CAPTAIN FLINT WAS STILL A GOOD MAN. The story, set in a desolate fishing village in the Pacific Northwest, centers on a teenaged boy who loved hearing his father– a deep sea fisherman–invent stories about Treasure Island’s Captain Flint, before Flint became a murderous pirate captain.