Everyone is Lying to You, Jo Piazza, Penguin Random House – Lizzie Matthews and Rebecca ‘Bex’ Sommers were the closest of college friends until Bex ghosted Lizzie in San Francisco.
Everyone is Lying to You, Jo Piazza, Penguin Random House – Lizzie Matthews and Rebecca ‘Bex’ Sommers were the closest of college friends until Bex ghosted Lizzie in San Francisco.
Gangster Hunters: How Hoover’s G-Men vanquished America’s deadliest public enemies.
Every Man Dies Alone, Hans Fallada, Melville House Publishing – 55 Jablonski Strasse. An ordinary apartment house in Berlin, 1940. The Persicke family, Hitler loyalists to a fault, live on the first floor.
We Lived on the Horizon, Erika Swyler, Atria Books – Hundreds of years in the future, with Earth’s climate wrecked by generations of industry, the city of Bulwark keeps its citizens safe.
Maya and Natasha, Elyse Durham, Mariner Books – In 1941, as the Nazi German army closed in around the Soviet city of Leningrad, the world-famous Kirov Ballet corps was ordered to leave town.
The Most Famous Girl in the World, Iman Hariri-Kia. Sourcebooks Landmark – Rose Aslani is a first generation American, the only daughter of Iranian immigrants who try so hard to be American.
How We Know Our Time Travelers, Anita Felicelli, WTAW Press – How We Know Our Time Travelers is a portrait of a world gone badly wrong …
All the Summers in Between, Brooke Lea Foster, Gallery Books – East Hampton, Summer, 1967: Thea is twenty and living in a tiny house with her half sister and stepfather.
You Know What You Did, K T Nguyen, Dutton – Annie Shaw has the complete American life. She has a Pulitzer prize-winning handsome, loving husband, an annoying teenage daughter Tabby, and a career as an up and coming artist.
Clytemnestra’s Bind: The House of Atreus, Susan C. Wilson, Neem Press – Wilson’s novel begins with Clytemnestra’s first marriage to King Tantalus of Mycenae, a gentle, caring man who dotes on Clytemnestra and their new child, Iphitus.