Search Results for: what

What the Nanny Saw by Fiona Neill

The Nanny, Ali, came to work for Nick and Bryony Skinner to take care of their four children and is present when the economy falls to dust in 2008, finding herself privy to most all of the ‘talk’ and problems that befall the family. The Skinner’s are one of those ‘groups’ who were at the top of the heap financially and had no problems looming in the future, but when the stock market took a tumble they, like many, crumbled right along with it.

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What Comes After the Google Book Settlement?

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES May 1 – May 8, 2011 Edition What Comes After the Google Book Settlement? A free WEBcast this month will explore the demise of the Google Book Settlement and what it will mean for the publishing...

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