The 2024  Writer’s League of Texas Manuscript Contest, has extended the submissions deadline from July 1 to  July 15, 2024.

Have you been working hard on an unpublished manuscript that’s finally ready to see the light of day? Are you looking for some constructive feedback on your work-in-progress? Would you like to meet one-on-one with a literary agent to discuss your project?

You’re invited to submit a short synopsis and the opening pages of your unpublished work to the WLT’s 24th annual Manuscript Contest. (And no, you don’t have to live in Texas to enter this contest. It’s open to everyone, everywhere!)

The winner in each category will meet virtually with a top literary agent (and the final judge in their category) via Zoom. All entrants who opt for a critique—whether winners or not—will receive feedback on their submission from an experienced editor. And, based on the success of the debut launch last year, all of our 2024 winners and finalists will be featured in the second edition of the WLT Inklist – a catalog of short pitches for all winners’ and finalists’ projects that will be shared with an extensive list of industry professionals (literary agents and book editors) in Fall 2024. This unprecedented catalog of works-in-progress offers the gatekeepers of publishing an exclusive peek at our honorees’ projects. (If you’ve heard of the Hollywood Blacklist, it’s like that but for books!)

Best of all, you do NOT need to have a complete, finished manuscript to enter this contest. All you need are the first (roughly) ten pages of the manuscript plus a synopsis that describes the rest of the book you have planned.

This contest gives you the chance to…

• Meet one-on-one virtually with a top literary agent in your category or genre if you’re one of our ten winners;

• Be featured in the WLT Inklist – a catalog of all winners and finalists that will be shared with literary agents and book editors;

• Receive valuable (and specific) written feedback on your work