Talking to Editors

Who Publish Erotica

And Why It Is So Hot NEW YORK, NY/4/4/2006—An Associate Press item on MSNBC’s web site gives a good inside look at who is publishing erotica, and why.

It’s hard to ignore erotica sales figures, the story points out. There’s a growing popularity of the genre at mainstream publishers such as Harlequin and Avon, as well as several hugely successful websites that now publish hardcover and trade paperback editions of steamy stories.

In June, Avon Books will begin a line called Avon Red, aiming at the erotica reader, and Harlequin will unveil its Spice line in May.

The stories are hot, and the difference between erotica and pornography is a fine one, the article says. Erotica writers really can tell a story!

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