There’s still time, (but not much!), to enter the initial  IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award™ call for entries. Mail your books today for the chance to be recognized for excellence in book editorial and design across fifty-five possible categories.

Don’t delay! The deadline is in 2 days!
The postmark deadline for the initial Call for Entries is September 30th.


The IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award™ program is regarded as one of the highest national honors in independent and self-publishing. The Awards are unique in that entrants receive direct feedback on their submissions, with the actual judging forms returned to all publishers.

Publishers of print books with a copyright date of 2017 may enter the current competition. To assist the judges and ensure they have enough time to review each book, there are two deadlines for entry: the first on September 30, 2017, then on December 15, 2017.

Visit the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards™ website for further details.

Independent publishing is vibrant and growing. Help us celebrate your conpibutions by entering the 30th annual Benjamin Franklin Award™ program today!