Charles Martin
AUDIO Interview with Charles Martin New York Times bestselling author A broken recluse, living on his boat off the Florida coast is compelled by his priest to somehow help save a famous actress determined to kill herself. The novel, titled, Unwritten, is the latest of nine works by New York Times Bestselling Author Charles Martin. In this Authorlink interview Charles talks about how broken people can help each other, about words as a way of giving people hope, means to hope, and of his own personal challenges as a writer. Before becoming a New York Times novelist, his fist book was rejected some 87 times.So, his advice to writers trying to break into publishing for the first time is to “hang in there.” In the audio interview, he expresses the philosophy that graces his books, that “love wins and hope never dies.” In UNWRITTEN a beloved and gifted actress has reached the end of her rope, in this case literally: Katie Quinn attempts to end her life by hanging herself from the balcony of her Miami apartment, the burdens of fame and a life-long secret taking the ultimate toll. But before she can jump, her priest, Steady, comes to her aide, along with a mysterious stranger known only as Sunday. They offer Katie another, less permanent, way out of the prison her success has built for her. Sunday helps Katie dismantle her life by faking her own death, and then hiding in the Ten Thousand Islands off the Florida coast where he has lived alone for years. But Katie believes that in order to truly be free, she must make peace with her past, which is buried in the countryside of France. Sunday reluctantly leaves behind his solitary existence to help Katie with her quest. Little does he know that in helping her, he will finally be able to confront his long-hidden demons. Charles Martin is the author of eight novels known for their Southern settings and inspirational themes, including the New York Times bestseller Where the River Ends. The rights to another book, The Mountain Between Us, recently sold to 20th Century Fox; actor Michael Fassbender is slated to star in the film. Martin’s books have been translated into 17 languages, and his ninth novel was published by Center Street oin May 2013.
Charles Martin lives in Jacksonville, FL, with his wife and three sons. You can read his blog and find out more about his writing at –Doris Booth |
Two Shattered Souls Find Hope in Novel by Charles Martin