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The Big Book of Classic Fantasy
The Big Book of Classic Fantasy, Ann and Jeff Vandemeer, Vintage – For those of us looking to escape the insanity of today’s world, here is a book that can immerse the reader into pure fantasy landscapes.
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AuthorlinkĀ® provides a vast compilation of key book and movie databases cross-referencing multiple data points to provide instant information from 20-plus trusted sources. Detailed media insights help you get real-time answers to make better content buying and selling decisions–all with a few clicks. Within seconds, Books N Flix algorithms can return real-time and historical data from approximately 20 trusted public sources resulting in true, accurate multi-dimensional views of the book and movie industries.
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[visualizer id=”4048″]Question: How has the number of book titles increased or decreased since 2009.
Answer: The chart shows a drop from 500,000 titles in 2009, to 150,000 titles in 2018.
Source: Wikipedia.