The Most Famous Girl in the World

Iman Hariri-Kia

Sourcebooks Landmark

Rose Aslani is a first generation American, the only daughter of Iranian immigrants who try so hard to be American. Snarky, potty mouthed and clever, Rose has one foot in one world, one foot in the other. Her career at New York-based online journal The Shred has been a rocky one since her expose of the internationally famous Poppy Hastings, the wealthy and beautiful English socialite seen in all the best places with all the best people. Rose exposed Poppy as a criminal fraudster, a triumphant scoop spoiled by the law getting to her first. A nervous breakdown followed, salvaged by Rose’s besties, Fern and Steph. Now Poppy is out of jail after a ludicrously short spell behind bars—and Rose believes she’s also out for vengeance.


Billionaires once associated with Poppy Hastings begin to die or vanish. Rose suspects Poppy is killing them, but she can’t work out how. Rose is determined to end Poppy’s career of crime once and for all, but it’s hard to gain traction with Cat, her eternally suspicious boss. Enter Simon, a show-tunes loving ridiculously handsome FBI agent. Simon also has an ax to grind against Poppy, having failed to get the conviction against her she deserved. After a deeply rocky start, Rose and Simon team up to work the case and find their mutual attraction—and suspicions—growing by the day. As their case unfolds, Rose and Simon become aware of a much deeper threat behind Poppy Hastings. Can they work out their differences and stay ahead of the game to find justice once and for all?


In The Most Famous Girl in the World, Iman Hariri-Kia has created a clever, funny and sometimes poignant story. Rose is a thoroughly modern woman, feisty, driven, flawed yet loyal and determinedReaders looking for chick-lit with a twist will enjoy this book.