A monthly column of wit, insight, irreverance and inspiration by a published author and veteran of the publishing trenches. The Ink-Stained Wretch: "The Writer's Conference" Don Whittington January, 1999 At some point in your writing...
A monthly column of wit, insight, irreverance and inspiration by a published author and veteran of the publishing trenches. The Ink-Stained Wretch: "The Writer's Conference" Don Whittington January, 1999 At some point in your writing...
There have to be common- sense reasons to acquire a manuscript–that it will find its market, that there are creative ways to reach that market–but I also feel I have to fall in love with it on a gut level, or there really won’t be a way to make it work. I can say that I have that gut feeling about almost every manuscript I acquire.
ASK THE EDITOR By Susan Malone CHOOSING AN EDITORIAL SERVICE January 1999 In the past decade, the face of publishing has drastically changed. And most evident among these changes is the relationship between editor and author. Editors no longer spend much time...
Literary agents Richard Curtis and Donald Maass provide insights on E-rights for Authorlink writers Solving The Out-of-Print Dilemma by Richard Curtis and Donald Maass August 1998 Introduction to the E-rights Topic: As you are undoubtedly aware, there have been...
A monthly column of wit, insight, irreverance and inspiration by a published author and veteran of the publishing trenches. The Ink-Stained Wretch: "The Big Easy" Don Whittington December, 1998 This is how easy it is: You get up at six...
When I was ten, my grandmother died. To assuage her grief, my mother started reading romances by the dozen. I discovered her drawer full of them, and from then on, was an avid reader of romance.
Writing a longer novel is like falling in love. You feel like something strong has taken hold of you and wont let go. --Barbara Timberlake Russell, Published Author A Special Report WRITING AND ILLUSTRATING FOR KIDS FALL CONFERENCE Society of...
A monthly column of wit, insight, irreverance and inspiration by a published author and veteran of the publishing trenches. The Ink-Stained Wretch: "Somebody tell me already?" Don Whittington November, 1998 Why doesn't someone just tell...
When I was in my second year at the University of Virginia, my father hinted that I should winnow my list of bearable professions. Publishing consistently found its way to the top of the list. After that, I threw myself into publishing internships and the Radcliffe Publishing Course with zeal.
"One has to have an innate talent for hearing the words." -- David Guterson, author of Snow Falling on Cedars A Special Report On The Southwest Writers Workshop 16th Annual Conference In one of the nation's largest and best-organized writers...