Doris Booth

Doris Booth

Doris Booth is founder and president of Authorlink®, the news and information magazine for editors, agents, writers, and readers, ranked among top websites for writers. The company’s separate literary agency represents some bestselling authors, both domestically and abroad. Doris has sold projects to St. Martin’s Press, Simon & Schuster, Sterling Publishing (Barnes and Noble), Berkley Books/Penguin, Farrar Straus Giroux and other dominant houses. She has also been involved in rights negotiations for two hit Netflix docuseries, as well as with other production studios. The agency is not accepting new authors at this time, but writers are encouraged to use Authorlink® as a comprehensive resource.
Ted Dekker and Erin Healy Explore Missing Pieces of Life

Ted Dekker and Erin Healy Explore Missing Pieces of Life

New York Times Bestselling Author Ted Dekker, teams for the first time with a woman, Erin Healy, to write a different kind of suspense novel, Kiss, just out from Thomas Nelson. In this audio interview (with slides), Ted and Erin explore the challenges and triumphs of writing together.

Long Journey to Getting Published Pays Off Big for Brett Battles

Long Journey to Getting Published Pays Off Big for Brett Battles

Brett Battles’ journey to becoming published wasn’t easy. After many years of effort, he landed a small publisher, Ugly Town, for his debut novel, The Cleaner. When the publisher folded, he thought he was finished as an author. Through a series of fortunate circumstances, he secured a handsome three-book deal with Dell, a division of Random House, Inc.