January 15 – January 22, 2008 Edition

Random House
Canada Narrows
Acquisition Rules

ONTARIO (Authorlink News, January 15, 2009)–Quill & Quire, Canada’s magazine of book news, says that Random House of Canada will no longer allow its individual imprints (Random House Canada, Knopf Canada, and Doubleday Canada) to make offers on the same titles. Now only one division will be given the okay to pursue a book.

RH Canada president Brad Martin told Quill & Quire that a three-person committee comprised of Martin, the executive publisher of Knopf Canada Louise Dennys, and Doubleday Canada publisher Maya Mavjee, will decide which imprint is allowed to bid based on which imprint wants the book and can bring the best possible focus to the project given their publishing schedules.

Read the full story.