Publishing News
Market Tip
January 26 – February 2, 2006 Edition MARKET TIP Chicken Soup Series
Looking for Writers
On Four Subjects
The popular Chicken Soup series, published by HCI Books, is looking for essays for four of its upcoming publications: Chicken Soup for the Shoppers Soul, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Health Living Series, and Chicken Soup for the Dieters Soul, Chicken Soup for People Helping People.
Each of the publications pays $200 if a story is chosen for publication. The pieces range from 500 words or less to 1500 words. Specific submission guidelines for each of the publications can be found at individual sites relating to the books: (for the shoppers book, deadline February 28, 2006) (for the healthy living book, deadline March 30, 2006) (for the dieters book, deadline June 30, 2006) (for the helping people book, deadline August 30, 2006)
All nonfiction essays can be original or previously published if the author owns the rights.