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ISBN: 0472031953



Brendan talks with Authorlink

editor-in-chief Doris Booth

Length:9.30 min.

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An AUDIO interview with Brendan I. Koerner
Editor of The Best of Technology Writing 2006

September 2006

What does it take to be a writer in the fast-moving, high-stakes field of technology? Brendan I. Koerner, editor of The Best of Technology Writing 2006, gives us a glimpse into first-rate work from a diverse array of writers from bestselling authors to noted academics, indie journalists and bloggers.

And it's anything but boring!

In this exclusive Authorlink audio interview Brendan talks about how top writers capture the vitality, importance and complexity of technology today and of the differences between technology writing and other forms of literature.

The author is a contributing editor for Wired, a columnist for both The New York Times and Slate and a fellow at the New America Foundation. His first book will be published by Penguin in 2008.


  —Doris Booth