The Children’s Crusade, Ann Packer, Scribner — From a young age Ann Packer knew what it meant to be a writer. Her mother was a fiction writer and was a professor at Stanford.
The Children’s Crusade, Ann Packer, Scribner — From a young age Ann Packer knew what it meant to be a writer. Her mother was a fiction writer and was a professor at Stanford.
An interview with Kelly Fordon, Author of Garden for the Blind (Wayne State University Press, 1 April 2015)–In her collection of linked stories, GARDEN FOR THE BLIND, author Kelly Fordon explores questions of race and privilege through the experiences of Alice Townley, a resident of an affluent suburb outside of Detroit. As the story begins Alice loses her sister to an accident.
An exclusive Authorlink interview with Katherine Center, Author of HAPPINESS FOR BEGINNERS By Ellen Birkett Morris May 2015 Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center Buy this Book at May 2015 In her novel HAPPINESS FOR BEGINNERS, Katherine Center...
An exclusive Authorlink interview with Emma Hooper By Ellen Birkett Morris Etta and Otto and Russell and James by Emma Hooper Buy this Book at April 2015 In Emma Hooper’s novel ETTA AND OTTO AND RUSSELL AND JAMES the reader accompanies...
An Italian Wife by Ann Hood Buy this Book at An Authorlink interview with Ann Hood, author of AN ITALIAN WIFE ( W. W. Norton & Company). Ann Hood began her apprenticeship as a writer as a close reader. Growing up in a blue collar mill town in Rhode Isl...
Tara Ison Explores How to Be a Writer An exclusive Authorlink interview with the author of Reeling Through Life By Ellen Birkett Morris Reeling Through Life by Tara Ison Buy this Book at February 2015 Movies have created entire aspects of myself. They’ve...
Munaweera Explores the Power of Place in Island of a Thousand Mirrors An exclusive Authorlink interview with Nayomi Munaweera By Ellen Birkett Morris Island of a Thousand Mirrors by Nayomi Munaweera Buy this Book at January 2015 Nayomi Munaweera’s first...
Closed Doors Explores Tough Subject Gracefully An exclusive Authorlink interview with Lisa O'Donnell By Ellen Birkett Morris Closed Doors by Lisa O'Donnell Buy this Book at December 2014 "It’s incredible to me even now how the story revealed itself...
Location, Location, Location: Change in Setting Sparks The Vacationers An exclusive Authorlink interview with Emma Straub By Ellen Birkett Morris The Vacationers by Emma Straub Buy this Book at November, 2014 Sometimes a change of scenery makes all the...
Juska Explores Family and Identity in The Blessings An exclusive Authorlink interview with Elise Juska By Ellen Birkett Morris The Blessing by Elise Juska Buy this Book at October, 2014 When she wrote The Blessings, a novel that spans twenty years in the...