

Big Money Bets-On Bookseller-Barnes & Noble

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES February 5 - February 12, 2009 Edition Big Money Bets On Bookseller Barnes & Noble NEW YORK, NY/Authorlink News/02/05/09-An updated stock advisory from Steven Halpern at is now actively "recommending" that investors buy...

Internet Publishing-Broadcasting Grow-Twenty Percent

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES February 5 - February 12, 2009 Edition Internet Publishing, Broadcasting Grow Twenty Percent WASHINGTON, DC/Authorlink News/02/05/09--Revenue for the motion picture and video production and distribution industry increased 7 percent in 2007,...

Print-on-Demand-Gains Acceptance-In UK, Says Lightning

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES February 5 - February 12, 2009 Edition Print-on-Demand Gains Acceptance In UK, Says Lightning MILTON KEYNES, UK/Authorlink News/02/05/09/--Print-on-demand publishing has become an acceptable medium for books in the UK. According to Lightning Source...

Reed Shuts Down-BookExpo Canada-For Lack of Interest

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES February 5 - February 12, 2009 Edition Reed Shuts Down BookExpo Canada For Lack of Interest NEW YORK, NY (Authorlink News, February 5, 2009)-Publishers Weekly reported this week that Reed Exhibitions Canada, owned by the same parent company as PW,...

Borders Eliminates-Executive-Level-Posts to Cut Expense

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES February 5 - February 12, 2009 Edition Borders Eliminates Executive Posts to Cut Expenses ANN ARBOR, MI (Authorlink News, Feb. 3, 2009)--Borders Group today announced it will eliminate six vice president and ten director positions in order to...

ALSC Announces-Newbery, Caldecott-Award Winners

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES January 29 - February 6, 2009 Edition ALSC Announces Newbery, Caldecott Award Winners DENVER, CO(Authorlink News, January 29, 2009)---The Association for Library Services to Children (ALSC) announced at its mid-winter conference, held January 23-29...

Twenty-First Century Solutions Frame AAP 2009 Annual Meeting

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES January 29 - February 6, 2009 Edition "Twenty-First Century Solutions" Frame AAP 2009 Annual Meeting NEW YORK, NY(Authorlink News, January 29, 2009)---The Association of American Publishers will host its General Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March...

Tiny Publisher-Graywolf Press-Finds Big Success

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES January 29 - February 6, 2009 Edition Tiny Publisher Graywolf Press Finds Big Success St. Paul MINN (Authorlink News, January 29, 2009)--Tiny Graywolf Press, with headquarters in a crumbling building in St. Paul, Minnesota, never expects to sell...

Publishers Cheer Obama- Actions to Release-Government Records

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES January 29 - February 6, 2009 Edition Publishers Cheer Obama's Actions to Release Government Records WASHINGTON, DC/1/23/09- The Association of American Publishers (AAP) applauded actions taken by President Barack Obama on his first full day in...

Riverhead Names-Rebecca Saletan-Editorial Director

MAIN NEWS HEADLINES January 29 - February 6, 2009 Edition Riverhead Names Rebecca SaletanEditorial Director New York, NY (Authorlink News, January 27, 2009)--Geoffrey Kloske, Vice President and Publisher of Riverhead Books, today announced that Rebecca Saletan has...